Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Old Clyde

Welcome blog-hop readers! Today's character sketch is with Old Clyde.
Reported by, Sis White

Sis: Morning Clyde. What's on your to-do list today?
Old Clyde: Just talking with you Sis, swatting flies and nippin off some clover.
Sis: Ah, up and over by the walnut trees, eh?
OC: That's it. My favorite spot!

Sis: Tell us a bit about yourself Old Clyde. You know, how long have you been on the farm and where did you live before you came here?
OC: Well, I have been here longer than you have, Sis. As for where before that? I was born and raised on a farm over in Goat Hollow. My owner was a good man--had a face that looked like his mamma weaned him on a dill pickle! He looked pretty tough but he had a heart of gold as far as us animals were concerned. I heard him growl at some neighbor kids, but it was because they were playing in a pasture where his ornery old bull was. He didn't want the kids to be hurt. Sort of scared everyone and he got a reputation for being an old grouch. (chuckle) He didn't try to fix the misunderstanding either--figured it would be just as well, then the kids would not play there! He was a good man, but his heart couldn't keep up with all the hard work and he had to stop farming for his health. That was when Farmer White brought me over here to help him.

Sis: You sure seem to have fond memories of your former employer.
OC: He was a good man. Treated us well; he talked with us all the time--well, at least he talked with me all the time.

Sis: I thought farmers were men of few words.
OC: Well, they tend to be. But when my man had something to say, I generally heard it first!

Sis: In what ways have you helped Farmer White?
OC: Basically if there is pulling and hauling involved, so am I.
Sis: For example? I helped him plow fields until he got a tractor. That silly machine can work circles around me! Pulling logs out of the forest--whew that will work up a sweat real quick!

Sis: Tell our readers how that is done will you Clyde. We don't want someone to think you pushed over trees like an elephant!
OC: (insert a horse laugh here!) No, nothing like that! Farmer White cut trees down and then he cut them into logs about 12' long. Then he hooked a log chain on one and fastened the other end of the chain to my harness, said "heyah" and flicked the reins and I knew to pull like crazy. I would drag that log out of the trees to where he had a pile ready to take to the saw mill to become boards. It was hard work--they call it "log skidding", but, I'm sort of built for that kind of work!

Sis: You said it was hard work. Do you not do that anymore?
OC: No, these days I'm nearly retired. I help when it is time to put up the hay in the barn, pulling wagons hither and yon, maybe for a ride through the orchard in the fall, and a hay ride in the winter. Then there are always rides for the children.

Sis: A child rides on you Clyde? Your back is way to wide for a kid!
OC: Yes, I am not a riding horse as such, but children love to put a ladder up on me and five or six of them climb on! I really don't mind and it is a very short ride and the little guys are thrilled. It doesn't hurt that they give me an apple either!

Sis: Clyde can you tell us about Sassy Pants. How did you come to be such an important part of her story?
OC: When Sassy Pants was being such a pain and bullying all the little animals it really concerned me. Many times I tried to just be out in the open where I could see and walk into the middle of her meanness. I'm so big she would stop or at least move away and that would give whoever she was picking on the opportunity to run away. But when I dicovered her crying, I knew that it was time for Sassy Pants to find out what she was made of and who she could become. That's when I shared with her how to make amends.

Sis: What is amends?
OC: It is the way to fix a friendship when you are the one who broke it.
Sis: That sounds like something we all should know. How do you do that?
OC: You study the friend you hurt. You find something that is important to them and make that be important to you too. And you keep doing it until your friend can trust you again.

Sis: That sounds simple enough.
OC: Oh, it is--very simple. But easy? No. When you read Sassy Pants Makes Amends you will see what I mean! I do hope all you children will take it right from the horse's mouth, it is much easier to learn how to say kind things and be a loving, thoughtful friend than to have earn trust after you broke it!

Sis: Well, thank you Old Clyde for sharing your thoughts with us. Hope you find a good patch of clover with a nice breeze blowing so the flies don't come! You know readers, I don't believe I have ever heard Old Clyde say one unkind word. He can say it like it is, but he is never unkind. What a wonderful thing to be able to say about someone. And with that, we bid you adieu until another day.

Miss Molly here, kids. I would have to agree with Sis, it is a wonderful thing to say that you have never heard an unkind word from someone. And Old Clyde has a wonderful heart. He does not have a mean bone in his body! Which cannot be said about our next interviewee!

What are some kind words you readers have to say about someone? Put your kind words in the comment box and share with us. We love to read kind words. And, before you go, hop on over to my other blog, click here, and put your name and email address in the Giveaway box for the drawing May 15. We will contact the winner to see is they want a set of the Sassy Pants books, a prize worth $20 or a set of the burden bearing books, a prize worth 30.00.

Blessings, Miss Molly

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